All City Pet Care West
Customer Service Representative

Customer Service Representative
Chelsie is a Customer Service Representative whose responsibilities include answering the ever-ringing phone lines, interacting with clients to handle concerns, processing orders and providing information about ACPCW's products, services, surgery intakes and surgery discharges. Chelsie has been a member of the ACPCW team since July 2020. Prior, Chelsie has held every title in the restaurant/hospitality industry. She grew up in Sioux Falls, but recently moved back to take over her family's commercial cleaning business after spending many years in NYC. In her spare time, Chelsie loves spending time at home with her wife and band of furry misfits (four chihuahuas and three cats) with a good movie or true crime documentary. Fishing, watching a Green Bay Packer game and hanging out with her two beautiful nieces are her favorite weekend activities. Chelsie feels that her coworkers inspire her on a daily basis. Since she does not possess any veterinary background prior to working at ACPCW, building her knowledge base is her driving force. She strives to learn as much as possible from the vet techs and doctors. Chelsie believes the more she knows, the more helpful she can be on the phone with you! Chelsie is most motivated by our clients! She feels this is why we're are all here. Her love of animals has been prominent her entire life and making sure they are striving keeps her going. She contributes to the customer service experience by truly listening to client's concerns and doing everything she can for them. She really cares about you and your furry family...when they hurt, she hurts and when they're happy and healthy, she is smiling right along with them.